Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Hidden agendas and sabotages

One thing about my friend is that she keeps immaculate records of everything in her life, from conversations, schedules, meetings, projects, people and profiles to her private thoughts and feelings; she does not talk about them and will frequently refer to her journals when asked about an event, but she documents everything.

The purpose? As headlined on the top of every digital page of her journal: Feedback—either use it, think about it, or forget it.

A few things she wrote about Chinese/Taiwanese psychopath and fraudster Ya-Chang Robert Lin and the projects he got her involved in back before she discovered that her marriage was a sham for this peddler of fraud’s immigration and professional benefits:

He proudly told me that a person can easily launder money and not be afraid of getting caught by loading up on all these small denomination Visa gift cards; he learned this trick through reading about the financial frauds that scandalized the then-president of Taiwan and his family. In response to why he wastes hours reading such crap: it is useful to learn how other people—especially people with power and influence get out of trouble.

With inventory and purchasing data from AAFES through their Walker and WebEDI [Electronic Data Interchange], he can extract information allowing him to capitalize on systemic miscalculations and/or human manipulations and buy electronic and digital items in bulk for resell purposes before bringing the flaw/fraud to the company's internal auditors' attention for correction. Did he just plan to make the purchases from AAFES or Exchange stores while on our family vacations [which are his out-of-town work-related training/conferences on which D and I tagged along; be careful]? Where is he getting all the money to buy those items? He also talked about not pissing in his own backyard—is that an actual quote from The Score starring Robert De Niro and Edward Norton, another one of his favorite movies?

He asked that I help him set up a business that is modeled on his WebEDI project in AAFES. He had insisted that both my mother and I be co-owners of this other business even though I only understood the theory behind the business and not its technical implementation and execution. [I am working on my own to understand this latter part; no point asking repeatedly for his assistance when help is given only in part and never whole so that my knowledge is incomplete.] I was to sign a contract denying his affiliation with and relieving him of all liabilities with respect to this business. It seems fishy to me; hold off on the contract and if pushed, No.

Based on his credential in AAFES, he was able to gain access to the digital forensics division of CERT where he downloaded ISO image files of Aperio, CryptHunter, LiveView, among other software that he wanted me to play with before reporting to him as to their functionality and effectiveness in collecting e-evidences. I remember seeing a label on a software of some kind that mentioned "for law enforcement usage only" but when I mentioned it to him, he told me not to worry needlessly as AAFES is part of the DoD or Department of Defense and thus, higher in authority than law enforcement.

Stay tune, and until next post, 

We dream | We believe | And we will succeed 

About this blog 

Excepting this introduction and what are—and will be—posted after March 2015, this blog mirrored a now out-of-commission blog,, which was taken down on October 21, 2013 by its author Phandeluys Truong. 

The author's original contents and supporting documents were captured by multiple means from the above-mentioned blog while it was alive and active. There may have been a glitch here and there that prevented me from downloading the complete blog as it had existed. Thus, readers familiar with the original blog may find a few missing posts and/or comments. Those postings that I was able to grab and preserve in their entirety are reposted here under my name, however, all rights remain that of the original author. 

This series of posts documents the fraudulent, sometimes criminal, and frequent unethical/immoral activities of Ya-Chang Robert Lin, a Taiwanese native of mainland Chinese parentage, who defrauded a naturalized US citizen, Phandeluys Truong, into a marriage that had been his shield against USCIS for his intentional violations of immigration law: 

as a nonimmigrant F-1 student, he had willfully operated an international students recruiting business without prior work authorization from the then United States Immigration and Naturalization Service; 

as President of said business, he had knowingly helped both mainland Chinese and Taiwanese students to evade military drafts in their countries by facilitating their applications to study in the US and abroad; 

as President of said business, he had knowingly helped both mainland Chinese and Taiwanese students looking to enter the United States with the intention of gaining permanent US resident status under the pretense of studying; 

as President of said business, he had purposely evaded paying taxes on the commissions received from it and failed to report the earned income to the IRS by having the payments wired back to Taiwan to his mother Chang Hsueh; 

he had applied for reinstatement of his F-1 or student status and a change of status, while knowingly withheld the preceding facts on his own applications for permanent resident and citizenship in the United States. 

And those are just the tip of the iceberg. Ya-Chang Robert Lin had been employed at AAFES or The Exchange headquarter in Dallas, Texas as an information technology auditor, where he managed to steal—by downloading to CDs that he kept in his personal possession while abiding for time and opportunities to "do business" in Taiwan and/or China—thousands of his colleagues’ Social Security numbers and personnel files while working on one of its HR projects. The HR data on one of these projects became the basis for an academic paper, speaking proposal for ISACA, and a consulting business he was "collaborating with " [more like conning other people into developing and fronting for him]. 

Ya-Chang Robert Lin is a reprobate with a seared conscience. Lacking normal capacity for empathy, remorse, and reciprocation of good will, he is addicted to lying, cheating, and stealing for the pure pleasures derived from being able to get away with it. Because he is such a good liar—so charming and well versed in manipulation techniques and acting skills—it is hard to distinguish him from reprobates. 

Ya-Chang Robert Lin was able to dupe some of the smart people in federal government [AAFES or The Exchange, USCIS, ICE, and DHS], higher education [Fort Hays State University and Navarro College], and information technology auditing and security [ISACA and ACFE]. Among his legacy: A son who refused any connection with him and wished that he were dead. 

Saturday, March 19, 2016

A lesson in manners and common courtesy, the Ya-Chang Robert Lin style

Fresh off his emancipation from The Jerk, my friend's son is back at work on his book series that he crowd-sources with his Asian friends, available on his private social networking site.

A sneak peek:

When I was nine, I had a habit of not “watching my aim,” resulting in urine landing on the rim of the toilet seat in my upstairs bathroom.

Now, my father had his own half-bath that was located downstairs. Unfortunately for me, he almost always prefers to use my bathroom as its location is next to the spared bedroom he reserved for his parents but often and exclusively used for himself.

On the occasions that he uses my bathroom, he frequently gets his rear-end wet with my urine. One weeknight, after seating and wetting himself with the urine on my toilet, he decided to teach me a “lesson in manners and common courtesy.”

After jerking, shoving and pushing me awake from a deep sleep, he had me follow him into my bathroom, where he set about showing me how to properly wipe the rim before sending me back to bed. That was not the complete lesson, however. After he finished his private business, he came back into my room with his white underwear down around his knees and began rubbing his unwiped cheeky rear-end against the surface of my bed and pillow. This was my punishment, he had said, as he stepped away with a taunting smirk.

Being somewhat of a germaphobe, I pleaded with my mother to let me sleep in her room for the remainder of that night and for her to wash and sterilize my bedding, including the mattress and the path my father had taken from my bathroom to my bedroom sans his jockey.

I didn't learn much of anything that was "educational" from that incident or that night. What I had is the distinct impression of having been flipped the middle finger, the far-away thinking that my father's love is intolerable, and that I will cry with joy when this bastard is dead. Good riddance then of this villager in gentleman's disguise.

Stay tune, and until next post, 

We dream | We believe | And we will succeed 

About this blog 

Excepting this introduction and what are—and will be—posted after March 2015, this blog mirrored a now out-of-commission blog,, which was taken down on October 21, 2013 by its author Phandeluys Truong. 

The author's original contents and supporting documents were captured by multiple means from the above-mentioned blog while it was alive and active. There may have been a glitch here and there that prevented me from downloading the complete blog as it had existed. Thus, readers familiar with the original blog may find a few missing posts and/or comments. Those postings that I was able to grab and preserve in their entirety are reposted here under my name, however, all rights remain that of the original author. 

This series of posts documents the fraudulent, sometimes criminal, and frequent unethical/immoral activities of Ya-Chang Robert Lin, a Taiwanese native of mainland Chinese parentage, who defrauded a naturalized US citizen, Phandeluys Truong, into a marriage that had been his shield against USCIS for his intentional violations of immigration law: 

as a nonimmigrant F-1 student, he had willfully operated an international students recruiting business without prior work authorization from the then United States Immigration and Naturalization Service; 

as President of said business, he had knowingly helped both mainland Chinese and Taiwanese students to evade military drafts in their countries by facilitating their applications to study in the US and abroad; 

as President of said business, he had knowingly helped both mainland Chinese and Taiwanese students looking to enter the United States with the intention of gaining permanent US resident status under the pretense of studying; 

as President of said business, he had purposely evaded paying taxes on the commissions received from it and failed to report the earned income to the IRS by having the payments wired back to Taiwan to his mother Chang Hsueh; 

he had applied for reinstatement of his F-1 or student status and a change of status, while knowingly withheld the preceding facts on his own applications for permanent resident and citizenship in the United States. 

And those are just the tip of the iceberg. Ya-Chang Robert Lin had been employed at AAFES or The Exchange headquarter in Dallas, Texas as an information technology auditor, where he managed to steal—by downloading to CDs that he kept in his personal possession while abiding for time and opportunities to "do business" in Taiwan and/or China—thousands of his colleagues’ Social Security numbers and personnel files while working on one of its HR projects. The HR data on one of these projects became the basis for an academic paper, speaking proposal for ISACA, and a consulting business he was "collaborating with " [more like conning other people into developing and fronting for him]. 

Ya-Chang Robert Lin is a reprobate with a seared conscience. Lacking normal capacity for empathy, remorse, and reciprocation of good will, he is addicted to lying, cheating, and stealing for the pure pleasures derived from being able to get away with it. Because he is such a good liar—so charming and well versed in manipulation techniques and acting skills—it is hard to distinguish him from reprobates. 

Ya-Chang Robert Lin was able to dupe some of the smart people in federal government [AAFES or The Exchange, USCIS, ICE, and DHS], higher education [Fort Hays State University and Navarro College], and information technology auditing and security [ISACA and ACFE]. Among his legacy: A son who refused any connection with him and wished that he were dead.

Friday, March 18, 2016

There's Samba. And then there's walking sex on the dance floor.

I am distracted in classes tonight ... I have seen Phandeluys and her partner danced the Samba and the Cha-Cha before but tonight, their combined Gold-level choreography of the two are beyond technicalities and techniques ... Just watching them dance the Traveling Volta is mind-blowing: this is walking sex on the dance floor—full of confident action, spot-on instinct cultivated by trust, and transformational power … like sipping and savoring [not shooting] tequila; meant to be enjoyed, not understood nor mastered.
Thank goodness for the recording video demonstrating the technicalities and techniques of their combined Gold-level Samba and International Cha-Cha choreography …

With the translation assistance of my friends and acquaintances, I finally finished perusing an article that reported on an 18-year marriage fraud for immigration and professional career benefits involving a Taiwanese man and employee of AAFES or The Exchange who has been engaging in undetected criminal activities since he came to the United States in late 1989. Sounds familiar? It is because Phandeluys is its subject: the woman who was tricked into marrying this man [aka The Jerk, Chinese/Taiwanese psychopath, thug and fraudster Ya-Chang Robert Lin] and only discovered his tax evasion fraud that spanned seven years, immigration fraud against the United States government, material misrepresentations on his applications to enter the United States, to adjust his immigration status, and to naturalize; along with the illegal downloading of social security numbers of thousands of his colleagues at AAFES, among other illegal acts in late 2012 and early 2013.

I will try and repost some of Phandeluys’ response to the interviewer’s questions here in the next weeks, notwithstanding the translation from Hangul.

Stay tune, and until next post, 

We dream | We believe | And we will succeed 

About this blog 

Excepting this introduction and what are—and will be—posted after March 2015, this blog mirrored a now out-of-commission blog,, which was taken down on October 21, 2013 by its author Phandeluys Truong. 

The author's original contents and supporting documents were captured by multiple means from the above-mentioned blog while it was alive and active. There may have been a glitch here and there that prevented me from downloading the complete blog as it had existed. Thus, readers familiar with the original blog may find a few missing posts and/or comments. Those postings that I was able to grab and preserve in their entirety are reposted here under my name, however, all rights remain that of the original author. 

This series of posts documents the fraudulent, sometimes criminal, and frequent unethical/immoral activities of Ya-Chang Robert Lin, a Taiwanese native of mainland Chinese parentage, who defrauded a naturalized US citizen, Phandeluys Truong, into a marriage that had been his shield against USCIS for his intentional violations of immigration law: 

as a nonimmigrant F-1 student, he had willfully operated an international students recruiting business without prior work authorization from the then United States Immigration and Naturalization Service; 

as President of said business, he had knowingly helped both mainland Chinese and Taiwanese students to evade military drafts in their countries by facilitating their applications to study in the US and abroad; 

as President of said business, he had knowingly helped both mainland Chinese and Taiwanese students looking to enter the United States with the intention of gaining permanent US resident status under the pretense of studying; 

as President of said business, he had purposely evaded paying taxes on the commissions received from it and failed to report the earned income to the IRS by having the payments wired back to Taiwan to his mother Chang Hsueh; 

he had applied for reinstatement of his F-1 or student status and a change of status, while knowingly withheld the preceding facts on his own applications for permanent resident and citizenship in the United States. 

And those are just the tip of the iceberg. Ya-Chang Robert Lin had been employed at AAFES or The Exchange headquarter in Dallas, Texas as an information technology auditor, where he managed to steal—by downloading to CDs that he kept in his personal possession while abiding for time and opportunities to "do business" in Taiwan and/or China—thousands of his colleagues’ Social Security numbers and personnel files while working on one of its HR projects. The HR data on one of these projects became the basis for an academic paper, speaking proposal for ISACA, and a consulting business he was "collaborating with " [more like conning other people into developing and fronting for him]. 

Ya-Chang Robert Lin is a reprobate with a seared conscience. Lacking normal capacity for empathy, remorse, and reciprocation of good will, he is addicted to lying, cheating, and stealing for the pure pleasures derived from being able to get away with it. Because he is such a good liar—so charming and well versed in manipulation techniques and acting skills—it is hard to distinguish him from reprobates. 

Ya-Chang Robert Lin was able to dupe some of the smart people in federal government [AAFES or The Exchange, USCIS, ICE, and DHS], higher education [Fort Hays State University and Navarro College], and information technology auditing and security [ISACA and ACFE]. Among his legacy: A son who refused any connection with him and wished that he were dead.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Living as (not) usual

Several of this blog’s readers, after reading through the signed Order on Motion for Enforcement, a contract that basically brokered the independence of Phandeluys’ son [away from the grasp and control of The Jerk] in exchange for her share of the 401(k) and pension, emailed and asked if I had any knowledge as to her motivation and whether my friend had been aware of the facts of what she was doing at the time.

Honestly, I did not know the definitive answer to that question and it bothered me to not know. So, I dug through her discarded hard drives to try and reassure myself that she did indeed was aware of the financial aspects of the deal. My finding? Scanned copies of Chinese/Taiwanese psychopath and fraudster Ya-Chang Robert Lin’s 2006-2007 Statement of Benefits from AAFES among the paper trail she had stumbled upon and documented. 

Lead with her heart and unconditional devotion to her son, Phandeluys knew approximately, going in and through it, what she was giving up, without hesitations … .

Like she said in an interview that was published in a foreign publication, when asked if she fears becoming old without a pension: If and when my skills become irrelevant, sure. But you know, when you do what you know is right for your mind, body and soul, you are rewarded with poise and confidence. One of my goals is to build long-term security, and not just financial; money in the bank makes me feel safe and secure. But that is a very limited view of success ...  

Stay tune, and until next post, 

We dream | We believe | And we will succeed 

About this blog 

Excepting this introduction and what are—and will be—posted after March 2015, this blog mirrored a now out-of-commission blog,, which was taken down on October 21, 2013 by its author Phandeluys Truong. 

The author's original contents and supporting documents were captured by multiple means from the above-mentioned blog while it was alive and active. There may have been a glitch here and there that prevented me from downloading the complete blog as it had existed. Thus, readers familiar with the original blog may find a few missing posts and/or comments. Those postings that I was able to grab and preserve in their entirety are reposted here under my name, however, all rights remain that of the original author. 

This series of posts documents the fraudulent, sometimes criminal, and frequent unethical/immoral activities of Ya-Chang Robert Lin, a Taiwanese native of mainland Chinese parentage, who defrauded a naturalized US citizen, Phandeluys Truong, into a marriage that had been his shield against USCIS for his intentional violations of immigration law: 

as a nonimmigrant F-1 student, he had willfully operated an international students recruiting business without prior work authorization from the then United States Immigration and Naturalization Service; 

as President of said business, he had knowingly helped both mainland Chinese and Taiwanese students to evade military drafts in their countries by facilitating their applications to study in the US and abroad; 

as President of said business, he had knowingly helped both mainland Chinese and Taiwanese students looking to enter the United States with the intention of gaining permanent US resident status under the pretense of studying; 

as President of said business, he had purposely evaded paying taxes on the commissions received from it and failed to report the earned income to the IRS by having the payments wired back to Taiwan to his mother Chang Hsueh; 

he had applied for reinstatement of his F-1 or student status and a change of status, while knowingly withheld the preceding facts on his own applications for permanent resident and citizenship in the United States. 

And those are just the tip of the iceberg. Ya-Chang Robert Lin had been employed at AAFES or The Exchange headquarter in Dallas, Texas as an information technology auditor, where he managed to steal—by downloading to CDs that he kept in his personal possession while abiding for time and opportunities to "do business" in Taiwan and/or China—thousands of his colleagues’ Social Security numbers and personnel files while working on one of its HR projects. The HR data on one of these projects became the basis for an academic paper, speaking proposal for ISACA, and a consulting business he was "collaborating with " [more like conning other people into developing and fronting for him]. 

Ya-Chang Robert Lin is a reprobate with a seared conscience. Lacking normal capacity for empathy, remorse, and reciprocation of good will, he is addicted to lying, cheating, and stealing for the pure pleasures derived from being able to get away with it. Because he is such a good liar—so charming and well versed in manipulation techniques and acting skills—it is hard to distinguish him from reprobates. 

Ya-Chang Robert Lin was able to dupe some of the smart people in federal government [AAFES or The Exchange, USCIS, ICE, and DHS], higher education [Fort Hays State University and Navarro College], and information technology auditing and security [ISACA and ACFE]. Among his legacy: A son who refused any connection with him and wished that he were dead.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Signature on child's emancipation worth shares of 401(k) and AAFES pension?

In my previous post, I asked the question of how much should a parent “pay” for a child’s emancipation. Well, in my friend’s case, she gave up her share of both the 401(k) and the pension from AAFES that had been ordered by the court in the Amended Final Decree in exchange for Taiwanese/Chinese psychopath Ya-Chang Robert Lin’s agreement and signature on her son’s filing for emancipation in the 393rd District Court of Denton County.

Even though her son had misgivings about her sacrifices on his behalf [he wrote about this experience and his feelings on his social media channel, from which I pulled the signed Order on Motion for Enforcement, among other legal documents … I will republish some of his thoughts here in later posts], it seems that Phandeluys had no qualms about doing what is necessary to secure the present and future well-being and happiness of her son. Like her son wrote in his essay: Say what you want to about my mother, I know she is focused, concentrated; there is not anything in the world she would not do for those she loves … including investing in me mentally, physically and financially ... I cannot stay mad and angry at her for doing what I had requested of her, which was to keep The Jerk out of my life.

More on this later …

Stay tune, and until next post, 

We dream | We believe | And we will succeed 

About this blog 

Excepting this introduction and what are—and will be—posted after March 2015, this blog mirrored a now out-of-commission blog,, which was taken down on October 21, 2013 by its author Phandeluys Truong. 

The author's original contents and supporting documents were captured by multiple means from the above-mentioned blog while it was alive and active. There may have been a glitch here and there that prevented me from downloading the complete blog as it had existed. Thus, readers familiar with the original blog may find a few missing posts and/or comments. Those postings that I was able to grab and preserve in their entirety are reposted here under my name, however, all rights remain that of the original author. 

This series of posts documents the fraudulent, sometimes criminal, and frequent unethical/immoral activities of Ya-Chang Robert Lin, a Taiwanese native of mainland Chinese parentage, who defrauded a naturalized US citizen, Phandeluys Truong, into a marriage that had been his shield against USCIS for his intentional violations of immigration law: 

as a nonimmigrant F-1 student, he had willfully operated an international students recruiting business without prior work authorization from the then United States Immigration and Naturalization Service; 

as President of said business, he had knowingly helped both mainland Chinese and Taiwanese students to evade military drafts in their countries by facilitating their applications to study in the US and abroad; 

as President of said business, he had knowingly helped both mainland Chinese and Taiwanese students looking to enter the United States with the intention of gaining permanent US resident status under the pretense of studying; 

as President of said business, he had purposely evaded paying taxes on the commissions received from it and failed to report the earned income to the IRS by having the payments wired back to Taiwan to his mother Chang Hsueh; 

he had applied for reinstatement of his F-1 or student status and a change of status, while knowingly withheld the preceding facts on his own applications for permanent resident and citizenship in the United States. 

And those are just the tip of the iceberg. Ya-Chang Robert Lin had been employed at AAFES or The Exchange headquarter in Dallas, Texas as an information technology auditor, where he managed to steal—by downloading to CDs that he kept in his personal possession while abiding for time and opportunities to "do business" in Taiwan and/or China—thousands of his colleagues’ Social Security numbers and personnel files while working on one of its HR projects. The HR data on one of these projects became the basis for an academic paper, speaking proposal for ISACA, and a consulting business he was "collaborating with " [more like conning other people into developing and fronting for him]. 

Ya-Chang Robert Lin is a reprobate with a seared conscience. Lacking normal capacity for empathy, remorse, and reciprocation of good will, he is addicted to lying, cheating, and stealing for the pure pleasures derived from being able to get away with it. Because he is such a good liar—so charming and well versed in manipulation techniques and acting skills—it is hard to distinguish him from reprobates. 

Ya-Chang Robert Lin was able to dupe some of the smart people in federal government [AAFES or The Exchange, USCIS, ICE, and DHS], higher education [Fort Hays State University and Navarro College], and information technology auditing and security [ISACA and ACFE]. Among his legacy: A son who refused any connection with him and wished that he were dead;