Sunday, December 2, 2012

Open-mic poetry night materials?

After revisiting our family physician on Wednesday, 28th November, for a checkup, where he and I concurred about the cause of my eye infection as having been exposed to my spouse's lack of hygienic living, and re-armed with another ten days' worth of eye medications, I resolved to finish the task of cleaning up & sanitizing my spouse's bedroom.  Two weeks waiting for my spouse to voluntarily keep to his words about cleaning up his living spaces is time enough; so while he was out entertaining himself and his ballroom cohorts on this first Saturday evening of December, I forgo my semiweekly open-mic poetry night [maybe I'll pen a haiku or a villanelle about this experience for the next open-mic night ... ] and instead readied myself for a battle with the bacteria, dust, and who-knows-what of his dirty bedroom. 

My spouse's definition of cleaning up:  buy storage bins or containers and dump everything that might be considered valuable into them, never mind organizing or grouping or relevancy or utility.


After I'd already dumped two bags full of junk, still nowhere near inhabitable.

Anyone knows what these labels are for?  They seem to have come from cigarette cartons ...


More unopened letters?!  Either they are important and deserving of one's attention or they're not and into the trash bin they go.

Either unopened correspondences or waywardly folded [and nearly faded] receipts [and outdated rebate tickets].

And yellowing old newspapers ...

Those are accumulated dusts from the objects in my spouse's bedroom.  Thank goodness for antibiotic eye drops, non-drowsy allergy medication, goggles, toxic dust mask, nitrile gloves, and cool-down showers!

Voilà!  One corner of the bedroom is cleaned up [filling an upward of five 13-gallon trash bags], though the area is not yet sanitized.

Not quite finished cleaning up and sanitizing; perhaps another four to five hours ...

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